TRR Staff
Oct 21, 2022
Donald Courter and Jeff Monson explore the Donbass region and look back at the eight-year series of events leading to the conflict in Ukraine.
Attention comrades!
The Revolution Report's groundbreaking documentary film 8 Years Before about the lives of the Donbass people before Russia's Special Military operation is finally complete! It stars Editor-in-Chief of The Revolution Report Donald Courter and international heavyweight fighting champion Jeff Monson, who traveled across Donbass to understand how ordinary people there lived throughout Ukraine's war of attrition, as well as how people's republics' leadership guided them through those dark times.
The film will premiere on October 22 at 11am Pacific / 2pm Eastern time. You can watch on YouTube at this link when the premier starts, or watch the film at eighyearsbefore.com. We hope you enjoy our first documentary film - one year in the making, completely independently funded, and most importantly a vessel of truth in a media landscape plagued by lies.
Please sign up for our mailing list below to get notified when the premier is about to begin.
In solidarity,
Donald Courter
Editor-in-Chief of The Revolution Report