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Steven Schaefer

Dec 24, 2023

Solidarity in Struggle: CPC-CPV Historical Ties

On December 12th, 2023, the Communist Party of China (CPC) and the Communist Party of Vietnam (CPV) held a historic meeting, marking a significant milestone in the relationship between the two fraternal Socialist nations. This meeting, which brought together high-ranking officials from both parties, aimed to strengthen bilateral ties, enhance cooperation, and foster a shared vision for Socialism in the 21st century.

The CPC and CPV share an unbreakable bond, at times fighting side-by-side against reactionary imperialist forces and traitorous counter-revolutionary elements. The CPC and CPV have a long-standing history of cooperation, dating back to the days of the Vietnam War when China provided crucial support to Vietnam's struggle for independence. This historical bond has laid the foundation for the current relationship between the two parties and serves as a reminder of the shared values and aspirations they hold.

The meeting between the CPC and CPV on December 12th, 2023, served as a platform for both parties to reaffirm their commitment to Socialism, discuss specific regional and global challenges, and explore avenues for further collaboration. 

A 2023 Meeting Recommitting to Socialism

This meeting provided an opportunity for the leaders to reflect on the historical ties between the two parties and their contributions to the respective nations' practical and theoretical development. In acknowledging this shared history, China and Vietnam continue to strengthen their bond and learn from each other's experiences in building Socialism with Chinese Characteristics and the Doi Moi reforms in Vietnam.

Another essential aspect of this meeting was acknowledging that economic cooperation between China and Vietnam has flourished in recent years, with bilateral trade reaching new heights. The meeting emphasized the importance of further enhancing economic ties as well as promoting bilateral open trade that addresses the material needs of both respective states.

Both parties recognized the potential for mutually-beneficial collaboration in sectors such as infrastructure development, technology transfer, and agricultural cooperation. This cooperation will not only benefit the two nations but also contribute to regional and economic stability while simultaneously strengthening the Socialist camp globally.

Also addressed were regional challenges and the importance of maintaining stability in the Asia-Pacific region. Both parties expressed their commitment to upholding the principles of peaceful coexistence, non-interference, and mutual respect.

By strengthening their cooperation, China and Vietnam can play a crucial role in maintaining regional peace, stability, and development of both the Socialist camp but also the global south. This collaboration is particularly significant in the face of emerging geopolitical tensions as US imperialism continues to lash out in a desperate attempt to stop the rapid loss of their global political capital.

Economic Growth and Regional Stability

China has in recent years become Vietnam's largest trading partner, with bilateral trade reaching over $100 billion in 2020. Chinese investments in Vietnam have also surged, contributing to the country's economic growth and industrial development.

Economic cooperation of this type amongst fraternal Socialist states is mutually beneficial in the economic growth and fortification of their systems whilst not falling victim to the predatory trade practices that exist innately within the capitalist sphere of influence.

China and Vietnam both share a common interest in maintaining regional stability, particularly in the South China Sea. By fostering closer ties and cooperation, both parties can work together to address disputes through peaceful means, promote dialogue, and uphold the principles of international law (even when the United States and its NATO allies seem dead set on ignoring international law). This collaboration is crucial for the stability and prosperity of the entire region. 

This meeting has reinforced the strong bond between China and Vietnam, rooted in shared history, economic cooperation, and a commitment to regional stability. By deepening their collaboration, both parties can navigate the challenges of the modern world and work towards a shared future of prosperity, peace, and socialism.

This meeting serves as a testament to the enduring camaraderie between China and Vietnam and paves the way for further cooperation in various fields, benefiting not only the two nations but also the entire globe as the struggle for a better world continues on.

2022-2023 The Revolution Report

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