Sep 17, 2024
Venezuelan Foreign Minister, Yvan Gil, Sept 2024 Photo: EFE
On Tuesday, the Foreign Minister of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela, Yvan Gil, reported on his telephone conversation with the Spanish Minister of Foreign Affairs, José Manuel Albares, in which they discussed issues related to the sovereignty of Venezuela and the interference by Spanish officials in the internal affairs of the country.
“Venezuela will not tolerate an escalation in the aggressions and interferences from Spain, which in recent years has become a haven for terrorists and criminals linked to fascism in our country,” he assured his Spanish counterpart.
“Ignorance of our constitutional institutions is a red line, a Guaidó 2.0 will fail again. Our country is ready to take actions that safeguard its sovereignty”.
Gil, for his part, informed Albares about the dismantling of terrorist plans against Venezuela, recently announced by Interior Minister Diosdado Cabello.

“Preliminary investigations involve these Spanish citizens in terrorist acts, who also have links with the Spanish National Intelligence Center,” said the Foreign Minister.
“We wish the Spanish government to immediately rectify, unequivocally condemn terrorism and assume the obligations that are due to it in the framework of international law,” quotes Yvan Gil.
Finally, the Minister reaffirmed the justice and peace nature of the actions by the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela against acts of interference and fascism that seek to undermine the sovereignty of the nation.
“The Bolivarian Revolution, as it has historically demonstrated, will operate under the principles of justice, respect for international law, human rights and peace diplomacy, and will defend with great courage and courage the independence and sovereignty won more than 200 years ago”.