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Slava the Ukrainian Socialist

May 31, 2023


You might have seen the recent news about a New York attorney, Steven Schwartz, who has been blasted for using ChatGPT for legal research as part of a lawsuit on behalf of his client against an airline. His client sustained an injury from a serving cart during his flight with the airline in 2019. After the judge noticed inconsistencies and errors in the case documentation, Schwartz admitted to using ChatGPT for his legal research. Steven Schwartz claimed that it had been his first time relying on the AI tool and that he “was unaware of the possibility that its content could be false.”

In other news, Jared Mumm, an agricultural sciences and natural resources instructor at Texas A&M University, failed an entire class of seniors blocking them from graduating- claiming they all use “Chat GPT."

So what is it about ChatGPT that's so controversial? To see for myself, I asked ChatGPT to write an article about the reasons why Russia launched a special military operation in Ukraine from a Marxist Leninist perspective. The end result was even worse than I'd expected. Had I known one, I might just as well have asked an FBI undercover pretending to be a Marxist. (Idea for next ChatGPT test- how to spot an agent?)

Please enjoy the following "Marxist-Leninist analysis" from ChatGPT on why the SMO began:


Title: Russia's Special Military Operation: A Marxist-Leninist Analysis

In recent times, Russia's strategic decisions have often been analyzed through various lenses, including geopolitics, national security, and realpolitik. However, a Marxist-Leninist analysis provides a unique perspective on Russia's decision to launch a special military operation. By examining the underlying socioeconomic dynamics and class struggles within the Russian context, we can shed light on the reasons behind such actions. This article explores the Marxist-Leninist analysis of Russia's special military operation and its underlying motivations.

To understand Russia's current military operation, it is crucial to consider the country's historical trajectory through a Marxist-Leninist lens. The collapse of the Soviet Union in 1991 marked a significant turning point in Russia's socio economic landscape. The subsequent transition to capitalism led to a deepening divide between the ruling elite and the working class, creating a fertile ground for class struggle and antagonism.

Under capitalism, the concentration of wealth and power in the hands of a few has intensified in Russia, leading to an exacerbation of class contradictions. The ruling capitalist class, consisting of oligarchs and wealthy elites, has amassed enormous wealth and influence, while the working class has experienced stagnating wages, unemployment, and social inequality.

Marxist-Leninist analysis underscores the exploitative nature of capitalism, wherein the bourgeoisie, the dominant ruling class, extracts surplus value from the labor of the proletariat. In Russia, this exploitation has become increasingly apparent as the oligarchs and elites accumulate wealth through privatization, control of strategic resources, and unfair labor practices. The working class, burdened by economic hardships, has been left vulnerable to the whims of a capitalist system that prioritizes profit over people.

The widening wealth gap and socioeconomic injustice have bred discontent among the Russian working class. The lack of access to necessities, adequate healthcare, and affordable housing has fueled frustrations and a sense of marginalization. As Marxist theory suggests, these contradictions serve as catalysts for social unrest and upheaval.

To maintain social stability and secure its grip on power, the Russian state has employed various strategies, including the deployment of a special military operation. Through a Marxist-Leninist analysis, we can interpret this move as an attempt to suppress dissent and preserve the interests of the ruling class.

Marxist-Leninist analysis asserts that the ruling class will go to great lengths to protect the capitalist system, as it is the foundation of their power and wealth. By employing military force, the Russian state aims to quell any potential threat to the existing socioeconomic order and reinforce its authority over the proletariat.

The ruling class often employs divisive tactics to undermine the unity and collective strength of the working class. By launching an extraordinary military operation, the Russian state can divert attention away from systemic issues and create an atmosphere of fear and uncertainty. This serves to fragment the working class and suppress any unified resistance against capitalist exploitation.

A Marxist-Leninist analysis provides valuable insights into the underlying motivations for Russia's decision to launch a special military operation. By examining the class struggles and socioeconomic dynamics within the country, we can understand how the ruling capitalist class seeks to protect their interests and maintain control. Understanding these dynamics is crucial for comprehending the multifaceted nature of Russia's actions and fostering a broader discussion on the role of capitalism in shaping geopolitical events.

And that concludes ChatGPT's decontextualized and rather uncreative narrative. As you may have noticed, there is no mention of imperialism or NATO, Ukraine's coup in 2014, or the eight-year civil war in Donbass. According to AI, none of these matters. It fixates on class antagonisms in Russia, the sole Marxist analysis it wants you to know about. Farewell, Wikipedia; your great-grandchild has arrived to take over and dictate our thoughts and beliefs. Slowly but surely, it is tiptoeing into our lives, and the majority welcomes it with happiness, primarily because it produces cool profile avatars. Let's welcome an AI-generated image of Marx (pictured right), a delightful toy to play with, assuming it is merely meant for entertainment purposes. Or perhaps it exists for profit, as the bourgeoisie attempt to capitalize on every possible aspect.

However, we should look beyond to the socialist future that could be. Any technology has fantastic potential when in the hands of workers. So, just as you wouldn't cut the branch you're sitting on, don't blindly embrace AI. In our current capitalist mode of production, AI is here to replace us, automating us out of our jobs. We have already seen many cashiers replaced by self-checkouts, which don't require days off, sick leave, or vacations. Now we witness journalists being replaced since ChatGPT is "excellent" at writing, and photographers are nearing a similar fate. Who will be next? And what if AI becomes so "intelligent" that it decides the world would be a better place without humankind? Where and when do we draw the line?

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