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Alvaro Enrique Saldivia Lopez

Nov 23, 2023

Venezuela Toda Student March of All Student Movements of Venezuelan Bolivarian Public Education from Universities and Highschools in Support of the Dec 3 Consultative Referendum.

Photo: Taken by the author on November 21st in Caracas at the CNE before arriving at Miraflores.

The International Criminal Court is based on customary international law, which relies on the practices and customs of states. The court's approach reflects the worldview of the West, which has had a disproportionate influence on its development and of which there is extensive criticism already set out.

The ICJ is based on Western legal traditions, developed in the former colonial powers, constituting another bias. These legal traditions focus on the State and written law. Its jurisprudence is often be foreign to non-Western states with different legal traditions. For example, the ICJ uses a system of precedence, which may be unknown to non-Western states with legal systems based on oral tradition or custom.


We could say that we are facing an example of "legal" colonialism when a legal system is imposed, namely, a sentence, a court order, or a demand from a foreign court on a colonial or independent territory or country, ignoring, or in many cases openly violating, the internal, that is, sovereign order that that State or territory has given itself.

The detail is that normally the decisions made by this foreign court directly benefit the colonizing power with the granting of territory or commercial facilities, or indirectly, through the advantages obtained by its companies or its allied countries. And although we are facing cases of legal colonialism, even when the country accepts the jurisdiction of said foreign courts (especially when we start from the critical vision of International Law), we are even more so when the country's internal legal system is ignored.

The lawfare campaign waged against Venezuela in recent years is part of that strategy that seeks to destabilize it internally and discredit it internationally, not as an isolated strategy but an elaborate, one orchestrated at different levels.

By the ruling of a court in London, the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela, through its government as the legitimate representative of the will of the Venezuelan people, cannot access its own gold reserves that the State kept in the Bank of England. Beyond the economic implications of the criminal action of the financial institution that is excused in a court ruling, we observe the privateer attitude of the court that imposes its jurisdiction on the other side of the Atlantic over assets that do not belong to it.

The Executive Orders and other legal and paralegal instruments used by the United States government against Venezuela, and which constitute an integral part of the sanctions regime against the country, are another clear example of how the law is exploited through the extraterritoriality of its applicability.

With legal instruments outside Venezuelan territory, it is possible to attack both the national economy and its commercial relationship at an international level.

More recently, the ICJ took up a decision on whether the Venezuelan people could demonstrate through a consultative referendum, in the latest act of sabotage that have been carried out against the country for years.

It would be unprecedented for an international body to rule against the exercise of sovereignty of a nation over its internal affairs, as mentioned in the appearance Wednesday, November 14th, and it would constitute a clear violation of the principle of self-determination of peoples if it ultimately decided to suspend the consultation.

On Thursday, November 16th, the Supreme Court of Justice of Venezuela, following a request for protection filed regarding the holding of the referendum, ruled assuring that any decision made by natural or legal persons, whether national or foreign or any international organization or nation-state that ignores the right of the Venezuelan people to exercise their political rights "will not have any legal validity or effectiveness, so they must be ignored by all bodies that exercise public power."

The paradigm shift in international relations that we are witnessing will have as its main task to critically discuss the exercise of International Law and the importance it has for the maintenance of a multipolar and pluricentric global community, one that breaks with colonial logic, including the practices of legal colonialism by the West.


The Puppet government of Guyana continues in its process of militarization of the country supported by the AngloZionist Empire, which through Oil Corporations seeks to appropriate aka steal the energy resources of Venezuelans.

The Guyanese press recently reported that an "induction ceremony" into the Coast Guard of the ship GDFS Berbice (1039) was held after its arrival in the country. The vessel built by Metal Shark Boats set sail from its facilities in Louisiana, United States, to Guyana on October 30.

According to the Guyanese government, this incorporation is due to a plan to "reinforce" security. However, everything indicates that this is a plan by the United States to protect its energy companies.

This movement occurs just at a time when Venezuela is claiming its legitimate right to the Essequibo territory. Contrary to the search for binational Venezuelan-Guyanese dialogue promoted by the government of President Nicolás Maduro, Georgetown appeals to militarization as a way to escalate the conflict.

On December 03 All Venezuela says 5 Times Yes!

The empire will utterly fail! And Venezuelans will win through raising international solidarity and awareness, with the Popular Bolivarian Armed Forces and Patriotic Civilians in Civic-Military Unión.

Hasta La Victoria Siempre! Venceremos!

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