Alvaro Enrique Saldivia Lopez
Apr 22, 2024
Venezuelan Proletariat Defeated the Imperialist, 5th-Generation Warfare, Fascist Media Coup!
22 years ago, the Bolivarian Venezuelan people took to the streets in defense of President Hugo Chávez, in a popular gesture that would forever mark the historical future of the Bolivarian Revolution. With the slogans "Chávez, friend, the people are with you" and "Chávez did not resign, they have kidnapped him," the Bolivarian proletariat surrounded the Presidential Palace.
A fascist coup d'état began in Venezuela on April 11th, 2002, with the Puente Llaguno Massacre—perpetrated by armed bourgeois terrorists, traitors in the Metropolitan Police backed by the fascist, bourgeois mayor Antonio Ledezma, and US snipers—and the subsequent presidential self-swearing in of another fascist head of Fedecámaras (business union), Pedro Carmona Estanga, who tried to dissolve the Revolution with its Bolivarian Constitution and Institutions.
The working-class response was that the Bolivarian people achieved a popular feat, bringing Hugo Chávez back to power, which would leave a lasting mark on the historical and political future of Venezuela and Latin America.
Comrade President Nicolás Maduro defended the Revolution that day with his life, like every day before and after the Puente Llaguno Massacre, which is why he remains my candidate of choice for the July 28, 2024, Presidential Elections.
On Saturday, April 13, 2002, Chávez supporters started nationwide protests in the early morning, demanding the return of the constitutionally-elected leader, who was being held captive by military coup forces at La Orchila island.
In Caracas, protesters began blocking the main highways connecting the capital with eastern and western Venezuela. Meanwhile, citizens from hillside neighborhoods spontaneously descended towards the Miraflores Palace, the seat of government.
With chants like "Chávez, friend, the people are with you" and "Chávez didn't resign, he's been kidnapped," the revolutionary masses flooded the streets around the presidential palace. Meanwhile, major television channels remained conspicuously silent, airing only cartoons and series.
Approximately 1.5 million people nationwide demanded respect for the National Constitution and the return of Chávez, who had not officially resigned from the presidency, despite false claims by the coup group broadcasted on national television.
Meanwhile, the 42nd Parachute Infantry Brigade of the Venezuelan Army, based in Maracay, Aragua state, declared its support for the constitutional order. They activated the National Dignity Rescue Operation, with the Presidential Honor Guard joining forces with the people gathered at Miraflores in a civil-military union.
Upon seeing the movement of troops and the citizens surrounding the Government headquarters, the coup plotters inside the building hastily fled.
After reclaiming control of the Miraflores Palace, Diosdado Cabello, then the Constitutional Vice President, was sworn in as the Provisional President of Venezuela in accordance with Article 234 of the Constitution.
In the early hours of April 14, a loyal commando group rescued Chávez from Orchila Island in the Venezuelan Caribbean and brought him to Miraflores, where he was welcomed by a chanting crowd repeating "He's back!"
In just 48 hours, the people and the armed forces, in seamless civil-military cooperation, successfully rescued the leader of the Bolivarian Revolution and reinstated him in power. This victory marked the defeat of a short-lived oligarchic dictatorship orchestrated by elements of the Venezuelan right, the business sector, the Catholic Church, and American imperialism.
The Venezuelan proletariat demonstrated that the people, in civic-military unity, are the safeguard of the national sovereignty of the Bolivarian Revolution. The Venezuelan majority restored the 1999 Bolivarian Pro-Socialist Constitution, which had been targeted and nullified by the fascist coup.
Over two decades since the coup, history has amassed ample material to reconstruct the narrative of the so-called April coup, often dubbed "media-driven." Analysts' conclusions suggest a notable development: for the first time, the three traditional powers involved in Latin American coups—the economic, the military, and the religious—were thwarted. These powers, typically backed and orchestrated by external forces, particularly U.S. imperialism, were effectively countered.
The media had waged a propaganda war and laid the emotional groundwork for the coup. But for the first time, a civil-military alliance emerged—a response unforeseen by coup plotters and absent during the rebellion of young soldiers led by Hugo Chávez on February 4, 1992.
The images of the events that unfolded before, during, and after those days remain vivid in the memories of those who, whether on the streets as active participants or from their homes, witnessed firsthand the Venezuelan oligarchy's plot against a democratically elected government and its leader. These events underscored the clash of interests between powerful groups and the broader populace.
Since 2002, the civil-military alliance and ongoing popular mobilization have consistently thwarted the conspiratorial ambitions of imperialism and the stateless right, which repeatedly attempted coup d'états against the Bolivarian Revolution. Under the leadership of President Nicolás Maduro Moros and backed by the Venezuelan majority and organized Bolivarian people, Venezuela has overcome over 960 illegal imperial coercive measures.
The political and class consciousness of the Venezuelan populace has exemplified to proletarians worldwide that defending their revolutionary popular government and constitutions is paramount. It emphasizes that only the people can save themselves, and socialist civic-military unity is key to overcoming fascism and imperialism. The streets remain the battleground where we, as comrades, can defeat imperialism, and only through organized labor can we construct socialism.
The triumph of socialism in Latin America ushered in a decade of socialist and pro-socialist governments, including leaders like Lula in Brazil and Evo in Bolivia, who united in rejecting initiatives like the ALCA in Mar del Plata, Argentina, under Commander Chávez's leadership against George Bush Jr. This first wave of leftist governments laid the groundwork for a 21st-century, post-capitalist Latin America, building both the infrastructure and superstructure necessary for such a transformation. With the strategic alliance of CELAC with BRICS+ nations, we aim to achieve victory in constructing a prosperous socialist region and forging a post-dollar, anti-imperialist world order.
On April 13th, 2024, Venezuelan proletarians across the country flooded the streets to commemorate National Dignity Day and express anti-imperialist rebellion. 🚩 In Caracas, millions of revolutionary proletarians marched from CANTV to Miraflores, chanting: "Every 11th has its 13th!!!" 🇻🇪 "They will not pass!!! Hasta la victoria siempre!!! VIVIREMOS Y VENCEREMOS!!!"