Travis Cunha
Sep 11, 2023
BRICS will be sorry!
Throughout the grand tapestry of geopolitical history, we observe vivid clashes among fearless leaders: Alexander versus Darius III, Stalin versus Hitler, and now, Joe Biden courageously grappling with the challenges of bikes, stairs, and coherent speech. History unfolds as a timeless cosmic spectacle, with each era showcasing heavyweight contenders vying for global supremacy.
But what lies ahead as the next great conflict? The class conflict within imperialism and monopoly capitalism has set the stage for a looming showdown between the West's NATO and the BRICS coalition. The expanded bloc of 11 countries is expected to command a share of 37.3% in the world’s gross domestic product (GDP) in 2024, larger than that of the G-7. The recent summit in Johannesburg, South Africa, welcomed six new BRICS members including Saudi Arabia and Argentina, with several others eagerly awaiting their chance to join. In contrast, NATO faces an uncertain future, with the much-anticipated Ukrainian counteroffensive falling flat and President Zelenskyy losing his luster as the darling of the West.

It's almost poetic how the tables have turned for the West. Just when it seemed that NATO was struggling against Russia's resilient defenses, their fortunes have taken a surprising twist. As American actress Ivana Chubbuck wisely noted, "Don't let history repeat itself; you have the power to break the patterns."
BRICS may soon regret not paying enough attention to prevent a second Austrian madman from pursuing the destruction of Russia and her allies, regardless of their BRICS membership. Austrian economist Gunther Fehlinger has emerged as a prominent threat to the BRICS alliance's multipolar vision. Presently serving as the Chair of the European Committee for NATO Enlargement, Fehlinger has fervently targeted BRICS since the summit's conclusion, openly issuing menacing ultimatums to nations engaging in diplomatic relations with Russia or China, warning of utter annihilation.
Wait! Let me start over

Upon closer examination, Fehlinger's actions may not be as sensational as they initially seem. Apologies for drawing a parallel to an Avengers movie, but the reality is far less dramatic. Upon closer examination, Fehlinger's behavior appears somewhat pitiable. Firstly, he has no verifiable ties to NATO. The European Committee for NATO Enlargement is a non-existent entity, and his career predominantly consists of inconspicuous roles in European non-governmental organizations. Despite this, his unwavering obsession with this Western powerhouse has propelled him into an inexplicable realm of popularity, rivaling even die-hard Taylor Swift fans. His background remains shrouded in mystery, and it's worth noting that his Wikipedia page is less exciting than the recent GOP debate. Yet, his meteoric rise in influence raises eyebrows, though, of course, this is all purely coincidental.
Fehlinger has garnered support from NATO/NAFO enthusiasts (for the uninitiated, NAFO is best left unexplored), all due to his promotion of the imperialist fantasy: the Balkanization of every BRICS nation and its allies. Who needs global harmony when you can have a geopolitical puzzle of epic proportions?
The Ultimate Imperialist?

Balkanization involves dividing a larger region or nation into smaller, often conflicting, independent states or territories along ethnic, cultural, or political lines. This term originates from the historical breakup of the Balkan Peninsula in Southeastern Europe, resulting in numerous small and frequently antagonistic nations. It stemmed from the division of the Balkans into smaller states after the end of Ottoman rule. A region with multiple small states becomes more susceptible to infiltration, arms proliferation, and the creation of instability, which can benefit Western arms manufacturers, as opposed to stable, peaceful countries like China or Russia.
In Fehlinger's view, politicians from BRICS nations like Ethiopia, Egypt, and Argentina nervously refresh Twitter to check if the Austrian proponent of Balkanization has posted a map of their country with hastily drawn borders. Ethiopia's President Zewde, for instance, woke up today anxiously asking her constituents, "Has it happened yet? Did Fehlinger tweet about us?" There are even rumors circulating that India's Prime Minister Modi is contemplating resignation following perceived threats from Fehlinger. In reality, it's safe to assume that very few people outside of social media circles have even heard of this individual.

His threats may appear as if they're coming from a savior or someone wielding significant power. For instance, regarding Lula and Brazil, in a now deleted tweet he stated, "I call to free the people of Brazil by dismantling the Socialist Genocidal BRICS Ally of Russia misled by @LulaOficial into 5 new better free states who can join NATO." A similar message was posted about Nigeria: "I put Nigeria, on notice If you join #BRICS I will call for the dismantling of #Nigeria into #ExNigeria." He has even advocated for, believe it or not, Switzerland's destruction, tweeting, "I call to isolate and sanction Switzerland. Break all EU contracts with Russian proxy Switzerland. Make the Swiss feel economic hardship. Sanction Swiss banks fully. Delist the Swiss Franc in EU. Boycott Swiss products. Close the EU border to Switzerland. Make them pay. Hurt the Swiss." At this point, it's challenging to discern what's genuine, and whether he's doing this as a joke or trolling. If it's the latter, one would have to commend him, but we can't expect a NATO supporter to be that clever.
The only somewhat impressive aspect of this individual is his unwavering commitment to absurdity. Since the summit, he has been incessantly tweeting about various countries and his opposition to BRICS. Either he somehow acquired the same substances as Zelenskyy, or he has a team of BRICS detractors on his payroll, diligently updating his otherwise unremarkable account.
Rather than advocating for the fragmentation of states, Fehlinger would do well to realize how naïve he appears to the countries he discusses. Humanity would benefit if he took a phone break and social media cleanse, if only for a few days. Instead of the earlier quote, a statement from Karl Marx's "The 18th Brumaire of Louis Bonaparte" seems more fitting: "Hegel remarks somewhere that all great world-historic facts and personages appear, so to speak, twice. He forgot to add: the first time as tragedy, the second time as farce."