Tara Reade
Jul 16, 2023
Journalist Chay Bowes has a Masters Degree in Strategic Studies from University College Cork Ireland (2015) Thesis "Contemporary attitudes to NATO in a resurgent Russia. “I trained as a medic in the Irish Army 1988-1991, I currently hold restricted and non restricted firearms appraisal licenses from the Irish dept of justice (renewed 2023). I have a broad and comprehensive knowledge of modern and antique small arms and munitions. I have first hand experience of the effects of munitions in towns like Belgorod and Shebekeno in the Belgorod region. Established Ireland's foremost investigative journalism platform, "Ditch media" revealed the story that led to the criminal investigation of Ireland's prime minister.”
Chay is currently a correspondent for RT. He recently briefed the UN.
Follow & Support Chay: Twitter: https://twitter.com/BowesChay
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