Fiorella Isabel, Vanessa Beeley, Eva K Barlett
Apr 10, 2024
There have been a series of terror attacks in Russia, Iran, & Syria coming from the same perpetrators that have been behind the so-called war on terror in the Middle East, and have been funded radical factions like NeoNazis in Ukraine, and of course Israel.
Vanessa Beeley is an independent journalist in Damascus, Syria follow her on Twitter-X @VanessaBeeley and her Substack Beeley.Substack https://t.co/PR7PhmY0Bq
Follow Eva on Twitter-X @EvaKBartlett and her link tree is here https://linktr.ee/evakarenebartlett "Fi" Fiorella Isabel: ===============
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Fiorella In Moscow YT: / @fiorellainmoscow
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