Steven Schaefer
Mar 19, 2024
Historical Context of Election Interference
Since the 2016 election of former United States President Donald Trump, the American public has been inundated with the headline “Russian Government Interferes In US Election.” This claim has been reiterated on a kind of hypnotic loop by the mainstream media despite the “Mueller Report” failing to bring any evidence of such claims to the surface.
What is often ignored are the well-documented instances of US and NATO election interference. From the very start of the Russian Federation, the US-led world hegemony has attempted to circumvent the sovereignty of the Russian state, often working out in the open without even the slightest attempt at subterfuge.
Examples of Foreign Interference in Russian Elections
During the 1996 Russian presidential election, American “consultants” and “political advisors” were sent to the Russian Federation to oversee and ensure the reelection of Boris Yeltsin. These “consultants,” who were ultimately better described as handlers, crafted Yeltsin's image and messaging to both ensure his success in those elections while also making him subservient geopolitically to Western interests.
At the time of the 2011 Russian parliamentary elections, then-Secretary of State of the United States Hillary Clinton openly attacked the legitimacy of the elections and alleged widespread fraud.
These statements were part of the United States' blanket attempt to undermine the legitimacy of the Russian government, despite the fact that the then-Prime Minister of the Russian Federation Vladimir Putin’s “United Russia” party experienced notable losses to their super-majority in the Russian Duma.
Western Meddling in the 2024 Russian Presidential Election
The 2024 Russian presidential election took place between March 15th and the 17th. President Vladimir Putin won his fifth term in office with 87.28% of the vote, elected by over 75 million Russians.
During the election, there was a mass mobilization of the Russian public engaging in the democratic process, the Russian state has taken essential precautions to guarantee the security and reliability of their electoral process, and most voters of the Russian Federation participated, despite being stuck in the wartime conditions present in Donetsk and Lugansk or those living abroad.
The Western media promoted anti-democracy propaganda, with NATO interference in the elections confirmed by the Russian Foreign Intelligence Service (SVR).
In a statement released by the Foreign Intelligence Service, they announced the discovery of a plan by the United States to utilize social media to intentionally cause low voter turnout; this was to act as a mechanism to call the legitimacy of the election into question.
If this is true, then the United States could not have suffered a more embarrassing failure, with Russia's Central Election Commission reporting an over 74 percent voter turnout.
Passive social media pressure wasn't the only tool utilized by the West during this election. Head of the Latvian State Police Armands Ruks explicitly admitted they would be monitoring Russian citizens in Latvia attempting to take part in the democratic process of their home country.
To drive home this blatantly anti-democratic move, Ruks added that Russian citizens could be subject to “immediate deportations” in some instances.
Discussion around the issues relevant to this election cannot even be safely discussed by those in Latvia as State Police have indicated their intent to “suppress any attempts to glorify Russian aggression.”
This all occurs on the backdrop of a statement issued by the Latvian Minister of Justice Inese Libinja-Egnere last month, writing off the autonomy of Russians as individuals by stating that anyone taking part in Russian democracy “essentially supports” the Special Military Operation. She then insinuated that any Russian taking part in the election could be held criminally liable in Latvia for “justifying the war” in Ukraine.

The spectrum of candidates in this election was vast, with a variety of solutions to problems. But we can be sure that this election was fair and accessible to the Russian people, with observers from all involved parties taking part in the election certification process.
We also know that NATO pulled out all the stops to disrupt this election as part of their greater geopolitical strategy to keep Ukraine fighting as its position erodes under the Russian Special Military Operation.
Democracy-loving people across the globe should denounce the United States' attempted sabotage of people exercising their legal rights and should congratulate the Russian people on an accessible, fair, and secure election!