Cassie Sipe
Jun 25, 2024
A recent poll reveals a striking trend among UK citizens: many attribute the Allied victory over Nazi Germany predominantly to British forces. Notably, the poll excludes WWII’s Asian theater, focusing only on the European theater.
This historical revisionism erases the pivotal and monumental sacrifices of the USSR and China in saving the world from German and Japanese fascism.
Such skewed beliefs result from a concerted propaganda campaign waged by the Western ruling class in order to reshape public consciousness, leading to the widespread misunderstanding of historical facts and reinforcing national chauvinism.
Western Propaganda and the Marginalization of Soviet Contributions
Under the Molotov-Ribbentrop pact signed in 1939, Poland, Romania, Lithuania, Latvia, Estonia, and Finland were divided into "spheres of influence" between the USSR and Nazi Germany. Hitler’s invasion of Poland prompted the USSR to take defensive action in line with the agreement, creating a buffer zone in eastern Poland up to the line of contact.
Western academics often weaponize the pact and conveniently overlook the fact that Stalin first approached England and France with similar anti-fascist, non-aggression pacts five years before, only to be rejected. As the prevailing thought in the West at the time was to let Nazi Germany and the USSR “kill each other.” In fact the capitalist ruling class actually enabled Hitler, as they hoped anti communist Hitler would destroy the USSR.
Bourgeois historians have long attempted to equate the Soviet Union with Nazi Germany as equally totalitarian and evil; for example, by promoting the false notion that Nazi Germany and the USSR colluded to invade Poland through their Molotov-Ribbentrop pact.
While Stalin originally hoped for peace during the negotiations, in signing the agreement the soviets delayed the inevitable war. The original intent of the non aggression pact between Nazi Germany and The USSR was to turn Poland into a buffer zone, to ensure neither side would attack the other. In the event of war, it gave both sides the ability to defend themselves outside of their own territory. In reality, the USSR was never an ally of Nazi Germany but rather a rival. Thus, the narrative that "the Nazis and Soviets colluded to invade Poland and start WW2" mischaracterizes the agreement.
Similar lies abound regarding the USSR's "aggression" against Finland, which fought the Soviets twice: first in 1939 during the Winter War, and again during Operation Barbarossa (Nazi Germany's invasion of the USSR). Finland at the time was more sympathetic to the fascist Nazis than the communist USSR. The Soviets feared a Nazi invasion from Finland and proposed to create a buffer zone and mutual exchanges of land on the Finnish-Soviet border, which the Finns rejected. When Finnish troops fired on the Soviets, the USSR were forced to take unilateral defensive action.
The USSR’s and China’s Sacrifices
One of the most glaring omissions in Western narratives surrounding WWII is the USSR’s colossal contribution and sacrifice. The Soviets lost at least 27 million soldiers and civilians, while inflicting the most casualties (8 out of 10 Nazi casualties occurred on the Eastern Front) on Nazi Germany.
The Soviet victories during the Battle of Stalingrad and the Battle of Kursk turned the tide of the war, dealing Hitler a massive blow and putting the Nazis on the defensive for the remainder of the war. The Soviets battled the Nazi invaders for nearly four years, culminating in their storming of Berlin and raising the Red Flag over the Reichstag in May 1945.
China's role in defeating Imperial Japan is also overlooked. China sacrificed as many 20 million lives to defeat brutal Japanese imperialism. China's role in WWII commenced with the Marco Polo Bridge incident in 1937 which led to Japan's second invasion of China.
Aside from various forms of assistance from the United States and the Soviet Union, China primarily fought Imperial Japan alone until 1945, when the Soviets, with Mongolian support, intervened in Manchuria. The looming threat of the Soviet Invasion Of Manchuria along with the United States’s atomic bomb attacks on Hiroshima and Nagasaki, led to Japan's surrender in 1945.
The Role of the United States and the UK
To fairly assess the UK-US role in WWII, it is necessary to acknowledge that the Anglo-American ruling class played a role in starting the conflict by funding Hitler’s rise to power. The Bank of England, the Bush Family and JP Morgan financed German industry during the Nazi party’s rise in the 1920s and 1930s. Multiple banks, including Chase Manhattan, later admitted their involvement in financing Nazi Germany through the sale of Nazi war bonds.
England was Germany’s top trade partner in the 1930s. Royal Dutch Shell and The Rockefeller family’s Standard Oil Company supplied Germany with oil, while American tech firms provided technology and military patents for the Junker’s 87 planes. Ford Motor Company and General Motors infamously produced vehicles for Hitler’s war machine.
The notion that Britain did most of the significant work in the war by “tying Germany’s hands in the Battle of Britain” is unfounded, as Hitler always intended to engage in a two-front war. While the Battle of Britain dealt Hitler his first major defeat, the United States provided critical material support to the UK, USSR, and China through programs like the Lend-Lease Act.
The RAF’s victory over the Nazis allowed for the creation of an American base in the UK, giving the Americans the opportunity to invade France and fend off the Nazis during D-Day, in 1944. However, the US often overstates its role by hyping up D-Day which happened in 1944, when the Nazi were already losing the war.
The US role in the Western Front and the Lend-Lease program are the U.S.’s biggest contributions against the Nazis. While the UK played a role in the broader war effort, it is largely responsible for its own national liberation and cannot claim majority responsibility for the Allied victory.
A Truthful Account Of History
In reality the USSR should be at the top of that poll. Their unparalleled sacrifices were crucial in weakening Nazi forces and securing the Allied victory. Without acknowledging this, any account of WWII remains incomplete and biased.
Recognizing the full scope of contributions made by all Allied nations, especially the USSR is essential for an accurate understanding of WWII. The Allied victory was not solely a Western triumph but a shared achievement of all alliance members. Confronting these distorted narratives is crucial for fostering a more balanced and truthful recounting of history.