Steven Schaefer
Jun 3, 2024
ICC Seeks Arrest Warrant for Israeli Officials, Highlighting the Decline of Imperialist Domination
The International Criminal Court (ICC) has long been a contentious and often criticized institution, known for its selective justice and evident bias towards prosecuting those in anti-imperialist nations and the global South. However, a notable development has occurred with Chief ICC Prosecutor Karim Khan’s request for arrest warrants for Israeli officials, including Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu. This represents the dwindling political capital held by the imperialist core.
This development signifies not only a major step forward in ending the brutal war of aggression waged by Israeli forces against Palestine but also highlights the seemingly rapid decline of imperialist hegemony with the emergence of multipolarity.
Selective Justice in the ICC
Since its founding in 2002, the ICC has been known for its unofficial role as the international prosecutor for imperialist nations. This bias is evident when examining the member versus non-member states, indicating that the ICC could never exist in a truly non-partisan capacity.
The role the ICC would ultimately play was preempted by the imbalance found in the “International Criminal Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia” in 1993 and the “International Criminal Tribunal for Rwanda” in 1994. These ad hoc courts, especially in Yugoslavia, were established with a clear political mission to prosecute forces opposed to US State Department interests.
However, as international pressure has continued to mount following the continued documentation of war crimes by the Israeli Defense Forces (IDF), alongside demonstrations in the streets and universities of the imperialist core, the ICC has had no choice but to seriously investigate allegations against the Israeli state.
Interestingly, the request for arrest warrants is not explicitly related to Netanyahu or the IDF's actions following their most recent invasion of Gaza. Instead, it stems from an ongoing investigation started in 2015 when the ICC announced, “On 1 January 2015, the Government of The State of Palestine lodged a declaration under article 12(3) of the Rome Statute accepting the jurisdiction of the International Criminal Court ("ICC") over alleged crimes committed in the occupied Palestinian territory, including East Jerusalem.” This investigation includes all crimes committed by the IDF since June 2014.

Erosion of Imperial Political Immunity
Historically, imperialist nations and their allies have enjoyed a form of immunity from serious international legal scrutiny. The ICC's actions against Israeli officials indicate a weakening of this political shield, reflecting a broader trend toward diminishing imperialist control over global institutions. The investigation into Israeli officials aligns with the growing international demand for accountability and justice for oppressed people worldwide.
By pursuing a case against Israeli officials, the ICC is taking an initial step toward being the international legal body it claims to be, challenging the notion that imperialists and their allies can act with complete impunity on the global stage. The ICC's willingness to hold Israeli officials accountable reflects a broader geopolitical shift towards a more multipolar world. As emerging powers such as China, India, and the reemergence of Russia gain influence, the unipolar dominance of Western nations is waning.
American Resistance to International Justice
The United States initially signed the Rome Statute in 2000 but failed to ratify the treaty, using the court when convenient for US political interests while denouncing it in situations that threaten their global hegemony.
In this context, the American political establishment has responded vehemently. The United States Senate, in particular, has threatened action not only against the ICC but also against its employees and their families.
In an April 24 letter addressed to ICC lead prosecutor Karim Khan, the explicit threat, “Target Israel and we will target you,” was made. The letter continued, “If you move forward with the measures indicated in the report, we will move to end all American support for the ICC, sanction your employees and associates, and bar you and your families from the United States.” The letter labeled the investigation “illegitimate and lacking legal basis,” despite numerous U.S. administrations supporting ICC investigations that align with American interests abroad.

What Comes Next
The ICC does not have its own law enforcement body and relies on governments to enforce its warrants and rulings. Both Israel and the United States have made it clear that they have no intention of cooperating with the ICC, meaning the apprehension of Netanyahu or other Israeli officials may not occur soon. However, this will have long-standing political consequences.
This investigation will greatly limit where Netanyahu can travel and impact Israel’s ability to develop and maintain foreign policy interests. Germany, a historically friendly nation to Israel, has indicated that it would abide by the warrant and facilitate Netanyahu's arrest should he travel to Germany. Many other nations have not commented, but all 124 ICC member states are legally required to apprehend Netanyahu and surrender him to the ICC if he travels to their country.
Netanyahu cannot escape this situation forever. Coming into this conflict as an unpopular leader domestically, his support has only continued to decline as the atrocities committed under his command have become clearer. When this conflict ultimately ends with the establishment of a free, secure, and independent Palestinian state, we will see not only the prosecution of those involved in this genocidal campaign but a massive victory for all working and oppressed people globally who hope for the end of imperialist domination.