Peoples School for Marxist-Leninist Studies TM
Jan 25, 2024
This class is the next installment in PSMLS's series on the history of U.S. imperialism. It covers the events and developments between 1975 and 1990, the supposed end of the Cold War. Also covered are the interventions in Grenada, Libya, Panama and more, as well as other interference abroad, such as the Iran-Contra Affair, the propping up of the Mujahideen in Afghanistan, and the extent of US involvement with the counter-revolution throughout the Eastern Bloc.
Visit PSMLS at: Peoples School for Marxist-Leninist Studies: peoplesschool.us
Party of Communists USA: partyofcommunistsusa.net
Timestamps: 0:00 Introduction
1:30 Interventions in West Asia
2:40 Text - Afghanistan: Washington's Secret War by Phillip Bonosky
9:30 Iran - Revolution & Hostage Crisis
13:10 Q&A 1
22:00 Interventions in Latin America
26:10 Video - US Invades Grenada News Footage from 1983
29:40 Q&A 2
47:00 Interventions in Africa and Other International Events
54:00 Q&A 3
1:09:50 Domestic Events: The Reagan Era
1:17:20 Q&A 4 and Conclusion